Sunday, January 24, 2010

hmmm...the Lefties don't appear to be any happier with him

than those of us on the side of Right...

This one is LOL funny, but kinda mean, and I'm appalled that anyone would hope "ugly things" would happen to President Obama:

This one sounds like several people I know and LOTS of my well-educated co-workers, who also admit to being blinded by the hoopla:


  1. Now, don't go falling off your chair, big sis, or choke on anything, but...I read the second article you posted, and...I agree with a lot of it. There. I said it. I don't agree with all of it. And I still have a great deal of hope. And I am not totally happy that my state elected a Republican (though the Democrat candidate sucked). And I want to high five a million times the author of that article for pointing out that Sarah Palin, was indeed, John McCain's ultimate undoing. You will recall for a time I did consider voting for him. And I truly do not think we were any better off during Bush's bumbling reign. I guess maybe the short answer to this long ramble is who will be good for us, for our country? Don't you dare say Mitt Romney (puke! gag! blech!). But seriously, who? What will it take to pull this country out of the horrible mess we are in? Our country is going to! And it is not just Obama that is to blame. Suffice it to say, every day I become more and more disillusioned, and that saddens me...

  2. OK, I totally contradicted myself. In one sentence I said I have hope and in another I said I am disillusioned. I do have hope...but it is fading, and disillusion is taking its place. I believe President Obama wants to do the right thing and help the US. It is just not working. But I don't think things worked well under Bush either.


  3. Hey, chickie...who do you think I posted that second one for? She reminded me of you a bot...I totally remembering you thinking about McCain before Sarah!

    And I was on bliogs all over the land during the Brown campaign, when everyone was saying "Send Sarah, send Sarah!" I was like "OMG NO...NO WAY!!! They'll chew her up and spit her out, and Brown along with her!!!

    And look, I get that you still have hope...and heck, he's got plenty of time to turn it around. You're not the only one disillusioned. It's more likely to happen with the Dems, becasue you have so many more factions. And so many of the factions are diametrically oppposed to each other...we're getting there on the Right, but not quite as bad.

    Keep your hope, don't lose it. Life is better with hope!!

    As for whow uld be best for the country...I dunno. My beliefs are not far off of yours. We differ on abortion, but probablt not as much as yout hink....I am kinda with Brown; it's settled law. So be it. I am all for gay rights, though I do htink we're headed down a slippery slopw with gay marriage...I have no problem with it, but do bi-sexuals get a husband AND a wife? (The suits are being readied here in California already for that.) Do polygamists get multiple spouses?? How do you argue against that, if you allow marriage beyond one man and one woman? I amore for doing it the way they do it in certain European have a civil ceremony, separate from the church ceremony, regardless of gender. The civil one is the only one recognized by the government for purposes of legal benefits.

    Other than that, I think we agree on this point, I don't know who I'd vote for. It'd be a fiscal Conservative, that's for sure, and if it came with socially Conservative values it woudn't bother me. I now it would bother you. But my argument remains that abortion and gay marriage are minor issues with regards to the population as a whole, and I do not think they should be what makes or breaks my vote.

    But these bleeding heart Liberals, who want to tax the hell out of everyone to pay for a bunch of welfare programs will never get my vote. Ever. Nor will anyone who seriously thinks the planet is going to burn up in the next 5 fucking years, or who goes aorund bowing and apologizing for America to the entire world, or tries to take over private busineses, or dictate pay, or start class wars among the ignorant. Don't even get me started on amnesty for illegals.

    I kinda like Thune, I kinda like Santorum, I kinda like the guy from Minnesota whose name I can never remember! And I wish they'd put Palin in charge of Energy.

  4. I have felt that as I have gotten older I have gotten more fiscally conservative, though maybe not as conservative as others, and still socially liberal, though maybe not as socially liberal as I once was. When I was younger I was definitely "bleeding heart"...wanting to help everybody and anybody. I have gotten to a point where I am much more all about personal responsibility. Do I believe there are people out there that legitimately need help, that are trying their very hardest and are still struggling mightily? Absolutely! Unfortunately there are far too many out there that can get off their lazy, welfare-collecting, baby-making, drug-taking, thinking their entitled asses and get a God damn J-O-B!!! If you recall, though Bush was far from my favorite President, it pissed me off to no end that people blamed him (and still do, to this day) for the devastation after Katrina. How was it his fault that people didn't heed the warnings to get the fuck out of there, poor or not?! That is one instance where I truly felt bad for the guy!

    Now on the social issues. Yes, abortion and gay marriage are important to me. But, the right to have an abortion if needed is not going anywhere. I would hardly base my vote on that. Nor would I base my vote solely on gay marriage. I just think marriage needs to be legal between TWO consenting adults, be they man and woman, man and man, or woman and woman. My issue with a lot of conservatives is they (not all, but many) bring religion in to EVERYTHING!!! For fucks sake there needs to be a division between church and state. Marriage is, first and foremost, a LEGAL union. It is only a religious union if the couple chooses that route. yes, in many European countries they do a separate civil ceremony and a separate church ceremony. That should be the way it is here, too. I think if a lot of these zealots that are so fervently against gay marriage could just take their blinders off for a minute and see that the gay population is just fighting for the right to legally marry then maybe they could move on to bigger problems. No one is saying that if gay marriage is made legal that churches would be required to marry gay couples. Churches can still choose who they want to marry. They can turn away a hetero couple if they want to. So why the fuck do people care who marries whom? But again, my vote wouldn't solely rest on this.

    I think bigger issues are definitely health care. Conservatives can say what they want but our country's health care system does need a major overhaul. Again, I can't say I know what the right answer to that is, and Obama's plan as it stands is not it, but something needs to be done. Health care costs are out of control, and many people can't even afford basic medications, that is if they are covered at all. I think our schools are terrible all over the place, though I realize that falls more on the individual states. And believe it or not, I do think national security is VERY important. I want to feel safe in my own country. I still don't think this war is the answer, though. And I still don't think that supporting the military should be THE most important thing our government focuses on. Some people think it should be the ONLY thing. And I know this one drives you insane but I do think there has to be some focus on our environment. No the planet is not going to burn up any time soon and global warming has been ridiculously exaggerated, but if we aren't more diligent and caring about our planet someday it will be destroyed. It pretty much won't happen in our may not happen till my nephew is a grandfather, but it is our responsibility to conserve what we can and recycle what we can and not be so damn wasteful.

  5. (had to do this in two comments...the first was too long!)

    And ya know, I know Obama's "let's sit down and have a beer and chat thing" won't work with sociopaths and terrorists. But it is a nice concept for every day people. What is wrong with people in this country showing a little kindness to each other? I don't know...maybe there is still a bit of bleeding heart left in me, or maybe I should have been around in the 60's or something because making love not war sounds like a hell of a lot better way to live!!! :-) Actually, in all seriousness, I saw a great bumper sticker the other day. It said: "Only when the power of love can replace the love of power will the world know peace." Simplistic, sure. But there is a lot of truth in those words.....

    Actually I think even the Dem and Rep politicians could get along a lot better and get a alot more done if they could just get past their monstrous egos and focus on our country and its citizens. The thing that bothers me about ALL politicians is none of them seem like they really truly give a shit anymore. All they care about is their idea "winning." it is like the athlete who is paid a disgusting amount of money but is still a whiny little know they are there for the love of money not the love of the game. These politicians just seem to be there for the love of power, not the love of service.

    OK, so even after all that rambling I still don't know who the hell I think I could be 100% happy voting for!!! But, sis, Palin?!?!? No no no...not for anything!!! I would take Bushie back as my Pres for the rest of my life if it meant never having to see or hear that woman again. Hell, I would MARRY the guy!!!!!!! :-)

  6. Oh, girl, now I want Palin just so you'll take Bushback! LOL!!!

    I think you're dead-on about the average politician wanting to win on something JUST for the sake of beating the other side, ya know? Evan Bayh is on record as telling an aide that he didn't relaly like the Senate bill all that much, but he voted for it because he coudn't stand the thought of seeing a smile on the Republican's faces. Now, that is just bullshit. And I'm SURE it goes on over on teh Reublican side, too.

    Some partisan politics is understandable, from an isues standpoint.....honestly, I think osme of this crap is just that both sides have diamtericaly opposite views. But so much of it is just "I refuse to see this point, because he's a Democrat" or vice-versa.

    My issue with health care...aside from the fact that I definitely do NOT think it's a that the things that cause high costs cannot be solved by the government. Medical care is expensive, because medical care is expensive, for Christ sake. Tort reform would help, but it's not a fix-all. Deregulation would help in some ways, (no mandates as to what you MUST offer, for instance) but I understand that oversight with regards to standards is necessary.

    Removing restrictions on pre-existing conditions will cause premiums to go throught he roof. It's like saying car inmsurance companies can't charge bad drivers, drunk drivers, and people who get into accidents all the time any more than a person with a perfect record. We ALL just end up paying for it. So yea, go ahead and remove the pre-existing condition clause, but undertsnad that if you have one, then you just have to accept the fact that your premium is going to be VERY high, because you are VERY EXPENSIVE to take care of!!!

    What America needs to understand is that life isn't fair the VAST majoirity of the time....and it is not the United States Government's job to protect you from that reality.

    Now come on, chickie...don't you think Scotty is a hunk???? NOT that you'd vote for him or anything, but damn, he's pretty frickin' CUTE!

  7. OMG he is definitely HOT!!!!! And I think if he serves the way he claims he will then I think he is definitely the right choice. It was just a hard pill to swallow seeing the seat that was held by Ted Kennedy (whom you know I LOVE) for decades go to "the other side." But Coakley was clearly NOT the right choice. I may be pleasantly surprised by him. As I get older I know things aren't as black and white. There was a time I would have voted for a Dem just because they were a Dem. But you recall I did vote for a Republican for governor of MA once! I just want to vote for the best people, regardless of party lines. It just happens that my views usually tend to fall more in line with the Dems. But even that is shifting a bit. Though you will never see me identify as a Republican. Mayve Independent at best! :-)

  8. Let me go on record as saying that as much as I disliked Teddy's policies, and as disgusting as his personal life was, I do think he served the people of Massachusetts well. He was a good public servant in many ways, who fought hard for the poor.
