Sunday, January 17, 2010

Another Global Warming Lie put paid to

As Jammie Wearin' Fool so succinctly puts it....

Nail, meet Coffin:


  1. What are your opinions of Darwin?
    They thought his 'theories' were crazy too!! :)

  2. Sharon,if they were calling it THEORY, I woudn't care. But they are not, they are claiming it to be Gospel!

    They are legislating endlesly, carrying on huge, ridiculous world wide conferences,foisting crippling taxes on us, based on lies... on and on and on....all based on crappy, MANIPULATED data that is weak at best, and fraudulent for the most part.

    I have no doubt that the planet heats up now and then, I have no doubt that mankind adds a tiny bit to it.

    But to make all these sweeping statements about the world coming to an end in 5 years, like Prince Charles did, and the head of the UN saying we have 18 months before disaster strikes is just insane.
