Monday, April 12, 2010

Soviet Plans for World War III

The Apologizer-in-Chief, as many of you may know, just signed another nuclear disarmament treaty with Russia. Remember that as you read the following, noting that Putin was very much involved in these plans, and that he is the real leader of Russia even now.

God knows I feel SO much safer now that Obambi is getting rid of all our nukes.

Copied entirely from Sweetness and Light , emphasis and italics are mine (I added a comment in as well)


New Research Sheds Light on Soviet Plans for World War III
By Matthias Schulz

German historians are divided over the significance of a massive Communist-era bunker in the former East Germany. Was it to be used as a command post in the event of a Soviet invasion of Western Europe? Researchers now believe Europe was closer to the nuclear abyss than was previously believed…

The secret fortress was completed in 1979. Located in the middle of a heath, the installation consisted of six separate bunkers that cannot be seen from the air, spread over an area of 75 hectares (185 acres), and built with blast-resistant steel doors and decontamination showers…
Olaf Strahlendorff, who is the director of the Kossa Military Museum, steps out of a camouflage-painted hut to greet the visitors. "Hi," he says. "This is where the Russians planned to conduct World War III." …

In the event of military hostilities, 350 officers and non-commissioned officers, along with a complete telecommunications team of 250 specialists, could have reported for duty in this prison-like stronghold, where they would have commanded an army of millions as it headed toward Western Europe…

When a number of archives were opened after the end of the Cold War, the world learned that — if push came to shove — the Soviet army was prepared to take the West by surprise with a decisive attack. Europe stood closer to the nuclear abyss than many had thought.
It’s true that Eastern Bloc military planners always worked on the basis of the assumption that an act of "aggression" would come from NATO. Nevertheless, it would have been sufficient for the Soviets to discover compelling evidence of an impending attack for the General Staff to order a pre-emptive nuclear strike…

The Kremlin anticipated the heaviest fighting in Central Europe. The region has "outstanding economic importance and particularly large reserves of people," noted the former commander-in-chief of the Warsaw Pact, Andrei Grechko.

This prompted the communist alliance to keep a massive 100 divisions (roughly 2 million troops) on standby for the "Western theater of war." On the territory of the GDR alone, the Russians had 7,000 tanks, 6,500 armored personnel carriers, 700 aircraft and 31 nuclear warhead depots.

The moment the command was issued, everything was to go extremely rapidly:

* In the north, the Polish army was to press ahead and reach the Jutland Peninsula near Denmark within six days;

* The southwestern front (reinforced by Czech units) was to march towards the southern German state of Bavaria;

* It was up to the "Central Front," supported by Soviet Guard divisions, to break across the border at Helmstedt and advance on the Ruhr region and Lorraine in France.

During the first 90 minutes, this ground assault would have been accompanied by a hail of conventional and nuclear warheads aimed at thousands of predetermined targets.
NATO facilities, airfields, communications centers, government offices, power plants and traffic junctions as far as the Rhine River would have been reduced to ashes. Currently accessible campaign maps of the Warsaw Pact have red circles above Antwerp, Amsterdam, Bremen, Cuxhaven, Emden and Munich…

Then the tanks would have rolled out. "The attacking soldiers were supposed to reach the banks of the Rhine before any of them showed symptoms of radiation sickness," ( they were going to expose their own troops to this!) says Polish historian Pawel Piotrowski. The plan was then to relieve these radiation-contaminated troops with units of the "Second Strategic Squadron." NATO officials called this the "Polish-Soviet steamroller."

Such a colossal campaign would have required a war room — a nerve center to coordinate the various armies, air and ground forces, and missile brigades. But where was it located? …
Kossa. "Its geographical location alone would have made the bunker ideal for the major strike against Western Europe," says Strahlendorff. Furthermore, NATO had never discovered the facility.

Another fact that supports this theory is that Kossa was practically jam-packed with communications electronics. The facility even had an AP 3 mainframe computer made by the East German computer manufacturer Robotron. Sophisticated video technology would have made it possible to send battle plans directly to the front…

On the other hand, they certainly didn’t intend to use the command post for very long. According to their plans, the Soviets aimed to reach the Rhine in seven days — and the Atlantic in 12 days…

We are not talking ancient history here. As the article note, this command center at Kossa was only completed in 1979.

(Indeed, Mr. Putin himself was head of the KGB branch in East Germany while these were still the standing orders of the day, if in fact, they have been subsequently changed.)

And, mind you, NATO never even knew that this vital headquarters even existed.

Just a few little details to keep in mind as we hear Mr. Obama celebrate his great nuclear disarmament treaty with the Soviets Russians.

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