Thursday, June 3, 2010

Great Big Brass Ones

Daniel in the lion's den, 21st century-style.

He's got more guts in his pinky finger than the Pussy-in-Chief has in his entire body...hell, the kids got more guts than the entire DNC.

I have been so fucking pissed off about this entire flotilla clusterfuck, and our pathetic reaction to it, that I am actually losing sleep.

H/T Ace and Gateway Pundit, can't remember where I saw it first.


  1. This kid ROCKS!!!!! Thank God he wasn't attacked because those friggin Palestine supporters were crazy!!! OMG I wanted to slap the shit out of that bitch at the end of the video!!!! Douchebag!!! if she thinks Palestine is so friggin great then fucking move there and get the hell out of our country!!!!!!!
