WASHINGTON — Hours after President Barack Obama signed historic health care legislation, a potential problem emerged. Administration officials are now scrambling to fix a gap in highly touted benefits for children.
Obama made better coverage for children a centerpiece of his health care remake, but it turns out the letter of the law provided a less-than-complete guarantee that kids with health problems would not be shut out of coverage.
Under the new law, insurance companies still would be able to refuse new coverage to children because of a pre-existing medical problem, said Karen Lightfoot, spokeswoman for the House Energy and Commerce Committee, one of the main congressional panels that wrote the bill Obama signed into law Tuesday.
P.S. Obama Caught Lying To Netanyahu?
If this is accurate, and it seems to be, this is deplorable.
We know what Obama said to Netanyahu Tuesday evening:
The Israeli prime minister arrived at the White House on Tuesday evening brimming with confidence that the worst of the crisis in his country's relationship with the United States was over.
When the Israeli prime minister stalled, Mr Obama rose from his seat declaring: "I'm going to the residential wing to have dinner with Michelle and the girls."
As he left, Mr Netanyahu was told to consider the error of his ways. "I'm still around," Mr Obama is quoted by Israel's Yediot Ahronot newspaper as having said. "Let me know if there is anything new."
Did Obama fly to New York, as it appears to be where they had dinner that night? Did Obama just get caught in a flat out lie to a foreign leader?
Hat tip Riehl World : http://www.riehlworldview.com/carnivorous_conservative/
P.P.S.: Lets not forget this gem:
And from the sounds of the roaring coming from the audience, I'd say that his ignorant base totally bought it!
Of course, Gibbs had to later admit that the President "mispoke" The "most articulate President EVAH" has now "mispoke" more than W did. And it's truly amazing how many of this administrations numbers (job losses, GDP to debt ratios, in fact, any economic statistic that show anything favorable!) have had to be corrected a few days later...in Friday night newsdumps, no less.
Oh hell, why stop now?
A personal favorite of mine:
During the campaign, Obama insisted that he would not resort to an individual mandate to achieve universal coverage. In fact, he repeatedly ripped Hillary Clinton's plan for proposing one. "To force people to buy coverage," he insisted, "you've got to have a very harsh penalty." What will this penalty be, he demanded? "Are you going to garnish their wages?" he asked Hillary in one debate.
No new taxes on employer benefits.
Obama took his Republican rival, Sen. John McCain, to the mat for suggesting that it might be better to remove the existing health care tax break that individuals get on their employer-sponsored coverage, but return the vast bulk--if not all--of the resulting revenues in the form of health care tax credits. This would theoretically have made coverage both more affordable and portable for everyone. Obama, however, would have none of it, portraying this idea simply as the removal of a tax break. "For the first time in history, he wants to tax your health benefits," he thundered. "Apparently, Sen. McCain doesn't think it's enough that your health premiums have doubled. He thinks you should have to pay taxes on them too."
Fast forward a year, and guess what? Forty percent tax on your health benefits, baby, forty percent. A liar AND a thief; it was McCain's idea to start with.
To Be Continued, beyond any doubt.
That didn't take long:
Because I just knew that if DOJ was going public with the information late on a Friday afternoon, it would be bad for AG Holder. The Obama Administration has had a Friday document dump almost every week for a year, where they try to bury bad news. Yesterday's was no different.
Favorite snippet from Andy:
This is rich. As I pointed out when DOJ first rolled out this bunk,
When the Bush administration used the immigration laws to boot terror suspects out of the country, the Left and its fellow travelers like CAIR claimed this was racial profiling masquerading as counterterrorism. Now, in the age of Obama, we learn ... that “immigration fraud” counts as a “terrorism case” — so the group can boost the numbers and claim that the same Justice Department (under the Bush administration for most of the period covered in the report) has done a great job of combating terrorism in civilian court.
H/T Ace
Updating to add yet another downward revision of perviously released numbers...on the weekend, of course:
The US economy expanded less vigorously than previously estimated in the final three months of 2009, but still showed its biggest rise in six years.
According to the US Commerce Department, the economy expanded 5.6 per cent between October and December, down from an earlier estimate of 5.9 per cent published last month.
The downward revision, slightly worse than the 5.7 per cent expected by economists, was driven by a decline in business investment and inventories. Consumer spending was also less than originally thought...
AWESOME! No tax increases and he's going to pay my gas, my mortgage and now he's going to make sure my employer gives me a raise!
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