is now in charge of Safe Schools for the entire country!
I have never been so glad I don't have kids.
If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. (Please take Nancy Pelosi with you) We ask not your counsels or arms. (Or anything else you're offering) Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. ( Obama's ass will be handy to kiss while you're down there) May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen." Sam Adams and Miss Tammy
I sort of agree with you, Miss Tammy.
ReplyDeleteMind you, it is speaking to kids at their level.... which is gross!!
Gross that kids 'speak' this way, I mean.
And YOUNG kids!!
I think kids/teenagers/ 20 somethings have become a little unconcerned about Aids and they need to be educated.
But is THIS the right way???
Not sure
See, if this were college kids, no problem, it really isn't that offensive to me, frankly.
ReplyDeleteBut 12 years old? Even 16? No, and it has nothing to do with the gayness. I'd be as offended if it were heterosexual.
I think sex ed is a waste of time, frankly. They're getting pregnant anyway, and the STD rates are off the charts....they don't pay attention when the rubber hits the road, pardon my pun!
And in the meantime,they can't read......I say they need the hour for more baisc education!