If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. (Please take Nancy Pelosi with you) We ask not your counsels or arms. (Or anything else you're offering) Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. ( Obama's ass will be handy to kiss while you're down there) May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen."
Sam Adams and Miss Tammy
I admit that when word got out that Obama has told the military to get ready for something, I snorted.
I figured he'd give them a sternly worded letter and a harsh finger shaking.
But a dear friend has told me that she has heard from many of her family in South Korea that things are ugly; if it is so ugly that Obambi feels the need to bestir himself, I suspect it's very ugly, indeed, unless he's just looking to boost his military cred after disarming the troops in Afghanistan. (No longer allowed to have rounds in their chambers on patrol, thankyouverymuch you gutless motherfucking bastard.)
The North Korean army is a million plus strong. The North Koreans do not have enough food to feed all their civilians anyway, so I'm sure they'd be happy to arm them with axes and place them in front of the military as an opening wave.
All of my Korean friends here have relatives in North Korea; some have grandparents there they've never seen before.
If we do anything, I think it's gonna have to be big and ugly. All war should be conducted big and ugly, in my opinion, but this one even more so.
Hopefully the Chinese will lean on 'em, and it won't come to anything.
Indulge me in some sentimental melodrama here....this is one of my favorite songs, and I think one of the most beautiful folk songs in the world.
Lefties everywhere must be shitting their collective pants.
The Obama administration has won what Bush sought: the legal right to hold its terrorism suspectsindefinitely and without oversight by judges .
Oh my!!!!!! Isn't this the exact OPPOSITE of the kind of change The Won campaigned on???
Why, yes, yes it IS.
He is doing everything Bush did, including destroying the economy and building up massive debt, and he is doing that at what, four times the rate Dubya managed????
I bet the staff at the LA Times are quaffing Xanax by the bottle for having to report this......
Is the most eloquent President EVAH really comparing Daniel Pearl's beheading by Islamic whack-jobs to things like, I dunno, Susan Boyle or that skateboarding bulldog?? Is he suggesting that Daniel's head being forcibly removed from his body was rather quaint and whimsical?
Jesus Christ...... and they said Bush was an idiot.
Oh, and then the fucker refuses to take questions at an event honoring Freedom of the Press, nor does he ever mention that the pig who perpetrated this act of ISLAMIC TERRORISM is one he wants to see granted full American rights in a trial smack dab in the middle of NYC, with the opportunity that affords him to spew vast amounts of hate worldwide, while also exposing many military secrets into the bargain...his and Holder's mutual wet dream, no doubt.
He also implies that Danny was killed because he was a journalist...hey, Captain Obvious,.....Danny was killed because he was a JEW, and ISLAMIC TERRORISTS hate Jews, even more than they hate Americans, a fact which neither you nor your totally incompetent, American-hating administration seem to fully grasp.
Or maybe you do, in fact, get it, and your choice of words was not a mere incidence of mind-boggling insensitivity at all.