Saturday, March 27, 2010

Brought to you by the completely incompetent asshats

who are now in charge of your health care benefits.

Wasn'ts ure whether to give this it's own post, or put it with the Liar post, but I"m runnin' out of room there.

After a year of crippling delays, President Barack Obama's $5 billion program to install weather-tight windows and doors has retrofitted a fraction of homes and created far fewer construction jobs than expected.

In Indiana, state-trained workers flubbed insulation jobs. In Alaska, Wyoming and the District of Columbia, the program has yet to produce a single job or retrofit one home. And in California, a state with nearly 37 million residents, the program at last count had created 84 jobs.

The program was a hallmark of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, a way to shore up the economy while encouraging people to conserve energy at home.

The most brilliant President EVAH thought installing windows was the way to bring the economy back. He really needs to go back to being a Community Agitator, and quit trying to act like he any kind of clue as to how to run anything.

H/T JammieWearingFool


  1. My mom benefited from this program with nearly $5000 in updates to her 120 year old home. She is saving nearly 200 dollars a month in energy costs. I can't say how many jobs were created but there were three different men working on her home.

  2. As a contractor, I can guarantee the "jobs" created pay, and will pay, far less than a living wage.

    Try $10.00 per hour.

    It's a shit program that will benefit some contractors and window manufacturers. But the people working in window companies on the manufacturing side don't make squat and those installing them will make about the same. And any contractors taking advantage of the program will hire the cheapest help possible (think ILLEGAL ALIEN). I hope this bastard takes a face plant in 2012.

  3. Triplet, I have no doubt that the people who recieved the services benefited from it; I just mean that spending billions of dollars on a program that has created 87 jobs nationwide is typical of the lack of research and planning that this administration typically indulges in.
